Rabu, 19 Oktober 2011


Story and picture: Zainabu Issah

Every year over 2000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer with alot more dying every 68 seconds worldwide.

Dr Beatrice Wiafe Addai of Breast Care International  disclosed that the rate at which cancer kills was very alarming and hence the responsibility of every Ghanaian to help fight against it.

Although the disease is primarily found in women,almost one per cent of breast cancers occur in men and also at any age.

Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women with the exception of another type of cancer known as nonmelanoma skin cancer.

A woman with a personal history of cancer in one breast has a three- to fourfold greater risk of developing a new cancer in the other breast or in another part of the same breast. This refers to the risk for developing a new tumor and not a recurrence (return) of the first cancer.

About 5 per cent to 10 per cent of breast cancers are believed to be hereditary, as a result of mutations, or changes, in certain genes that are passed along in families.

Family history has long been known to be a risk factor for breast cancer. Both maternal and paternal relatives are important. The risk is highest if the affected relative developed breast cancer at a young age, had cancer in both breasts, or if she is a close relative.

Also, the use of  oral contraceptive pills means that a woman has a slightly increased risk of breast cancer than women who have never used them. This risk appears to decrease and return to normal with time once the pills are stopped.

The CEO of Allure Spa, Madam Dzibordi K Dosoo at the walk.

The breasts are however made of fat, glands, and connective (fibrous) tissue which has several lobes,and  are divided into lobules that end in the milk glands. Tiny ducts run from the many tiny glands, connect together, and end in the nipple.These ducts are where 80% of breast cancers occur and the average woman of 30 has one chance in 280 of developing breast cancer in the next 30 years.

She was speaking at the health walk organised by Allure Spa to mark their fifth anniversary celebrations and to also raise awareness about the disease by encouraging women to regularly have their health checked.
The Chief Executive Officer of Allure Spa, Madam Dzibordi K Dosoo says women contribute immensely to the development of the country and it is important that awareness is regularly created to warn them about the disease.

She added that the rate at which cancer kills is very alarming and hence the responsibility of every Ghanaian to help fight against it.
She said cancer increases in the third world countries than in the developed countries because of the daily screening and awareness that is given to the disease.

Some section of women at the walk on Saturday.

Dr Addai however encouraged regular screening exercises amongst women to help control and prevent the spread of the disease.

She also encouraged the government and organizations to invest more in researching into the disease because cancer can be cured.

Studies have showed that regular exercise may reduce a woman's risk of developing breast cancer but have not definitively established how much activity is needed for a significant reduction in risk. One study from the Women's Health Initiative (WHI) showed that as little as one and a quarter to two and a half hours per week of brisk walking reduced a woman's breast cancer risk by 18 per cent.

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